14114 Business Center Dr Ste E
Moreno Valley, CA 92553
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy focuses on physical mobility and access to the child's environment. We look at posture, muscle tone, strength, developmental functioning, sensory processing, and functional mobility.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy focuses on fine motor skills, activities of daily living, sensory processing and functional activities required to perform everyday self care and management of life skills.
Speech Therapy
Speech and Language therapy focuses on communicative disorders related to cognitive communication, articulation, receptive and expressive language, fluency, and voice.
Social Skills Group: Improve your child’s ability to socialize with other children through social stories and group scenarios. Social stories and group scenarios help children to model appropriate social interaction. The class objectives include turn taking, playing cooperatively, conversational skills, following directions, and interrupting appropriately.
Handwriting: Does your child need to work on improving their fine motor skills, handwriting skills, or the use of their hands? This group is led by an Occupational Therapist specializing in handwriting. The Handwriting Without Tears curriculum is used for this class.
Picky Eaters Class/Foodie Club Is your child a picky eater? Is it picky eating, or do you think there may be more to it? In this small group setting we will eat food and play with food. Some children are just picky eaters, but others have underlying problems with weakness, difficulty chewing, and a sensory aversion. This group is led by an Occupational Therapist specializing in feeding problems. We are also offering classes for parents to learn strategies for feeing the picky eater.